Dealing With Problem Gulls


Gulls can be a real problem for homeowners who live on the coast.  The birds are noisy, they can cause damage to exterior building fittings, and they make an awful lot of very smelly mess.  During the breeding season, gulls can become very aggressive, and you may find yourself being dive-bombed every time you leave your property.

If you have a serious gull problem, you should contact your local pest control company to tackle the issue for you.  Once the birds have been removed, there are some measures that you can take to prevent the gulls from coming back.  Read on to find out more.

Scare tactics

If you have a body of water on your land, it could act as a magnet for gulls.  A pretty effective way of discouraging them is by purchasing a predator guard.  This novel deterrent comes in the form of a plastic croc's head that floats on the water.  The head has mirrored eyes and simply moves where the wind takes it, frightening the birds off the water.

Another good deterrent for gulls that roost around your home are holographic, hanging globes with scary, mirrored eyes printed on them.  You hang the devices at strategic points around your property; the wind blows them around, scaring away the gulls.

Gulls that like to roost on top of buildings or boathouses can be scared away by spiders.  Gull spiders are rotating devices made from multiple plastic spikes that spin in the wind, making a rattling noise.  Placing a few spiders on your roof can very quickly deter gulls from making these spaces a regular settling place.

Preventing roosting

Bird wire can be extremely useful in preventing birds from roosting on ledges and windowsills.  The wire is strung along the length of the area to be protected, preventing the birds from settling there.  Your local pest controller will install bird wire for you if you don't want to tackle the job yourself.

Another very good method of keeping seagulls away from roosting areas is to apply a dose of seagull repellent, available from your pest control contractor or good DIY stores.  The repellent is safe to use around children and pets and will dissuade gulls from settling.  The only real disadvantage of using repellents is that you will have to reapply them from time to time as the weather will eventually wear the product away.

In conclusion

You can keep problem gulls away from your property by following the tips given above.  Ask your local bird control company for more advice and assistance to rid your home of these nuisance birds.


4 November 2016

Getting rid of mosquitos

In the warm weather, it can be hard to keep control of the mosquitos in our yard. We have a really beautiful water feature and fishpond, but the water does not tend to move quickly enough to keep the mosquitos out. Every year we get the pest control guy to help us out by spraying the yard so that there is no spot for the mosquitos to build up. This means that we can get outside and enjoy the weather in our own yard. This blog is all about pest control for your yard, especially if you have water features.