3 Reasons to Call a Professional Instead of Using DIY Glue Traps to Cope With Your Rat Problem


If you have a rat problem, it can be tempting to simply invest in some glue traps instead of contacting an exterminator. After all, these traps are quite cheap and easy to use. That said, using them comes with a number of disadvantages.

Here are just three reasons to call a professional instead of using DIY glue traps.

1. Glue Traps Are Not Humane

When most people are asked to picture a rat trap, what comes to mind is one of the spring-loaded ones commonly seen in children's cartoons. Compared to that metal wire snapping down on the rat's head, a glue trap probably seems quite humane, but this is not the case at all.

Even though they don't immediately kill rats, glue traps can cause immense levels of stress. Once stuck, the rat will try desperately to free themselves, but this will usually only result in them getting more of their body stuck to the trap. Rats can struggle enough to die from exhaustion or dehydration, and they may tear out huge patches of fur in a bid to escape. In some situations, slow suffocation occurs when the glue begins to block nasal airways. An exterminator like those at Allrid will be able to use the latest traps that secure a rat within a cage without causing them any harm.

2. Rats Are Hard to Remove From Glue Traps

You might be telling yourself that you will check your glue traps regularly, ensuring that any rats who do fall foul of them can be found and then removed from your property as quickly as possible without suffering undue stress. Unfortunately, this is rarely possible. Even if you arrive right after the rat has been caught, you're going to have a lot of trouble. Rats are going to be more than willing to bite and scratch anything that comes near them, so actually removing them from the trap is next to impossible. You'll probably just have to kill the rat, which can be a grisly affair when they are already thrashing around in distress.

3. Glue Traps Rarely Solve the Underlying Problem

It could be that there's only one or two errant rats skulking around your property, but this is usually not the case. If you spot one rat, it usually means that there are many more hiding elsewhere. You also need to find out how and why the rats are entering your property if you want to prevent future infestations. If you simply use DIY glue traps, you won't be tackling the root of the problem. In contrast, a professional exterminator will be able to assess the rodent's means and reasons for entry while they lay out their own more sophisticated traps.


5 January 2017

Getting rid of mosquitos

In the warm weather, it can be hard to keep control of the mosquitos in our yard. We have a really beautiful water feature and fishpond, but the water does not tend to move quickly enough to keep the mosquitos out. Every year we get the pest control guy to help us out by spraying the yard so that there is no spot for the mosquitos to build up. This means that we can get outside and enjoy the weather in our own yard. This blog is all about pest control for your yard, especially if you have water features.