4 Things Which Termites Need to Thrive in Your Home


Termites require several things to survive in your home. Understanding the conditions which are ideal for termites can allow you to defend your home against infestations. Check out the guide below.


Termites feed on the cellulose found in wood and other types of organic matter. However, it isn't just wood and plants which termites can consume. They will also be attracted to any substance which has been manufactured using plant-based materials such as paper or cardboard. You should keep this in mind when putting items into storage. Ideally, you should use plastic crates to store items.


Termites spend most of their lives in the dark. The primary reason for this is because darkness protects the termites from predators such as spiders and ants. Termites will tend to make their nests in dark places underneath wooden floorboards or behind wood panels. When termites have to move from one position to another, they construct tunnels using mud. These tunnels allow them to move unseen.


Termites cannot survive in cold temperatures. This is why the termite problem is less severe in the winter months, and infestations occur less frequently in colder climates. Of course, no one wants to live in a cold house so taking action to deter termites this way probably isn't the best idea.


If termites do not stay moist, they will die. For this reason, termites seek out wet and humid spaces. If the area you live in has been subjected to flooding, this drastically increases the risk of a termite infestation as timber in your home, and the surrounding properties will be damp. Damp timber provides the ideal location for termites. However, even if your home hasn't been flooded, the new for moisture means that termites are likely to target your bathroom. Air conditioning units which produce condensation can also provide much-needed moisture for termites. If you notice that your air con system is dripping water, you should call in a contractor who will be able to carry out repairs. You can help to combat this problem by making sure the drains on your property are clear, so water does not pool in the yard or drive. 

If you are concerned that termites have invaded your home, you should contact a professional pest control service today. The contractors will be happy to visit your property to assess the extent of any damage before exterminating the termites and their nests.


26 March 2018

Getting rid of mosquitos

In the warm weather, it can be hard to keep control of the mosquitos in our yard. We have a really beautiful water feature and fishpond, but the water does not tend to move quickly enough to keep the mosquitos out. Every year we get the pest control guy to help us out by spraying the yard so that there is no spot for the mosquitos to build up. This means that we can get outside and enjoy the weather in our own yard. This blog is all about pest control for your yard, especially if you have water features.