3 Facts About Fleas That Determine the Best Control Technique


If you have just bought a pet, then you need to get used to the fact that you might be dealing with a flea infestation every so often. It happens even if pet owners clean their pets regularly. Flea infestation is common because pets and cats love to roll and play whenever and wherever. It doesn't necessarily have to start with your pet; fleas can get into your home via mice and other rodents. The best method of flea control in your home is a targeted approach. Part of this entails understanding critical facts about fleas. Read on to learn more.

Control Products Don't Last Forever

One thing that a professional pest controller will tell you is that you need several flea control applications before you can rest easy. Understandably, most pet owners ask why this is the case. The reason you need multiple applications of a pest control product is that while the first application will kill live fleas, it does not guarantee complete annihilation. There might be a few remaining fleas, and they will start to reproduce and start the cycle all over again. Furthermore, eggs are not affected by most flea control products, and once they hatch, another cycle of infestation starts. Multiple applications ensure that the control product does not wear off entirely, thereby keeping fleas at bay until the flea season passes.

Fleas Lay Thousands of Eggs

On average, a female flea lays about 50 eggs per day in its lifetime which is three months on average. The female fleas prefer to lay their eggs in a host's fur, but eventually they roll off to your carpet and lawn. Therefore, it is not enough to wash your dog or cat with flea shampoos and soaps and forget to spray the yard with flea sprays. You must also clean your carpet, especially if your pet loves to roll on the floor mats. If you do not clean these accessories, then your control measures will be futile and a waste of resources.

Fleas Are Excellent Jumpers

On average, fleas can jump as high as 8 inches. This ability makes fleas a threat to your pets because they can find refuge easily. Therefore, you must be careful when applying control products whether it is in your home or backyard. The best way to ensure successful control is to spray or powder every inch of your lawn. The ideal way to do this is to attach a spreader on your ride-on mower and drive it through the entire length and width of your yard. By covering every inch of your yard, you eliminate the chances of the fleas jumping to safe zones.

For more information on flea control, visit a website such as http://stewartspestcontrol.com.au for more information.


26 February 2019

Getting rid of mosquitos

In the warm weather, it can be hard to keep control of the mosquitos in our yard. We have a really beautiful water feature and fishpond, but the water does not tend to move quickly enough to keep the mosquitos out. Every year we get the pest control guy to help us out by spraying the yard so that there is no spot for the mosquitos to build up. This means that we can get outside and enjoy the weather in our own yard. This blog is all about pest control for your yard, especially if you have water features.