3 Tips to Control a Bed Bug Infestation in Your Hotel


The only thing worse than bed bugs infesting your home is an infestation in your hotel. Your whole business, which relies on a solid reputation, could be on the line depending on how well you handle a reported case. While difficult, it is possible to survive an infestation crisis with your reputation intact. The last thing you should ever do is antagonise the person reporting the issue or try to downplay a real problem.

5 September 2018

4 Things Which Termites Need to Thrive in Your Home


Termites require several things to survive in your home. Understanding the conditions which are ideal for termites can allow you to defend your home against infestations. Check out the guide below. Food Termites feed on the cellulose found in wood and other types of organic matter. However, it isn't just wood and plants which termites can consume. They will also be attracted to any substance which has been manufactured using plant-based materials such as paper or cardboard.

26 March 2018

5 Signs You Need to Call Pest Control


Household pests are a nuisance and could pose serious health risks. Unfortunately, you cannot eradicate them by merely squashing them on the ground or cleaning out the area. Pests multiply by the dozen, and this can lead to a heavy infestation in just a short time. Here are five signs that you need to hire a professional pest terminator: Spotting pests Sightings of pest, such as cockroaches, around the  home is the most obvious sign that you need an exterminator.

31 January 2018

Why Rat Poison Is Not the Best Way to Kill Rodents in Your Home


Rats and mice are downright annoying. If they don't shred your favorite blouses to pieces, they are busy chewing through electrical wires and multiplying unbelievably. After a few months of sleepless night and being terrorized in your own house by such small creatures, most people go to the shop and buy the most potent rat poison available. While rat poison will definitely kill the mice, it is not the best method to get rid of rodents, and this is why.

29 November 2017

3 Reasons to Call a Professional Instead of Using DIY Glue Traps to Cope With Your Rat Problem


If you have a rat problem, it can be tempting to simply invest in some glue traps instead of contacting an exterminator. After all, these traps are quite cheap and easy to use. That said, using them comes with a number of disadvantages. Here are just three reasons to call a professional instead of using DIY glue traps. 1. Glue Traps Are Not Humane When most people are asked to picture a rat trap, what comes to mind is one of the spring-loaded ones commonly seen in children's cartoons.

5 January 2017

Dealing With Problem Gulls


Gulls can be a real problem for homeowners who live on the coast.  The birds are noisy, they can cause damage to exterior building fittings, and they make an awful lot of very smelly mess.  During the breeding season, gulls can become very aggressive, and you may find yourself being dive-bombed every time you leave your property. If you have a serious gull problem, you should contact your local pest control company to tackle the issue for you.

4 November 2016

Are You In Need Of Bird Control? Here Are Methods You Could Consider


If you live in an area that is home to bird species, you may find that your premises is gradually becoming invaded with these creatures. This is especially true when it comes pigeons, who will try to forage right on your property. Ignoring these bird infestations does not only mean having to contend with their fecal matter all over your yard, but it can also pose a health risk for you and your family members.

20 September 2016